Setting up and configuring your documentation project
Setting up your new documentation project is straightforward. Most of the essential project settings can be configured within the settings
This section provides the core settings for your documentation site, such as defining the site's URL, site icon and title.
export const url = "" // The URL for your documentation site
export const siteicon = "" // Icon displayed next to the site name in the header
export const sitename = "" // Title of your documentation site
Google Tags
This section allows you to integrate Google Tag Manager into your documentation project. You can add your GTM code and configure whether it's connected.
export const gtm = "" // Add your Google Tag Manager code here
export const gtmconnected = true // Set to true if GTM is connected, otherwise set to false
Search Engine
Configure essential SEO settings to ensure your documentation site is optimized for search engines. This includes meta descriptions, keywords and social media sharing details like images and alt text.
export const description = "" // Description of your documentation site for SEO
export const keywords = ["", ""] // List of SEO keywords for your documentation site
export const urlimage = "" // The URL of the image used when sharing on social media)
export const imagealt = "" // Alt text for shared images, helpful for screen readers
export const twitterhandle = "" // Your company’s Twitter handle for social sharing
Footer Branding
The footer settings allow you to customize the company information displayed at the bottom of the site. You can add the company name and the URL that the name will link to.
export const companyname = "" // The company name displayed in the copyright section
export const companylink = "" // The URL your company name should link to
General Layout
The layout settings control the appearance and functionality of various elements of the documentation site, such as branding, the right sidebar, feedback options, table of contents, and scroll-to-top functionality.
export const branding = true // Set to true to display our branding elements
export const rightsidebar = true // Set to true to enable the right sidebar with feedback, table of contents and scroll-to-top
export const feedbackedit = true // Control to enable/disable feedback on GitHub
export const tableofcontent = true // Control to enable/disable the generated table of contents
export const totopscroll = true // Control to enable/disable scroll-to-top button
Github Control
If your MDX files are hosted on GitHub, you can configure the project to load documents directly from there. This option can be useful for syncing documentation updates directly with your repository.
export const loadfromgithub = false // Set to true to load your MDX documents directly from GitHub