
Changelogs and improvements to the Documents projects.


Linting and Formatting:

  • Added npm run lint and npm run lint:fix scripts to automate linting tasks.
  • Added npm run format and npm run format:check scripts to ensure consistent code formatting.

SEO Enhancements:

  • Added an SEO component to MDX pages to dynamically include keywords and lastModified metadata for improved SEO generation.


Next.js Upgrade:

  • Upgraded the project from Next.js 14 to Next.js 15, leveraging the latest features and performance improvements.

Codebase Improvements:

  • Reordered imports across the project files for better consistency and readability.

Mermaid Component:

  • Fixed an ID bug that caused rendering issues when multiple Mermaid diagrams were included in MDX pages.
  • Improved initialization and rendering logic to prevent duplicate diagram rendering.